Keyword Suggestion Tool - Find the Best Keyword Ideas Effortlessly

Search Engine Optimization

Keywords Suggestion Tool

Enter your keyword

About Keywords Suggestion Tool


Keyword Suggestion Tool - Find the Best Keyword Ideas Effortlessly 

The Keyword Suggestion Tool is a free online tool developed by Mini SEO Tools to help digital marketers, SEO experts and website owners generate relevant keyword ideas for their content and campaigns. With this tool, you can input a main keyword and get 10 related long-tail keywords within seconds.

Get Targeted Keyword Ideas Fast

By entering your primary keyword, the Keyword Suggestion Tool will analyze keyword search volumes and related topics to provide you with 10 fresh, long-tail keyword ideas that are closely related to your main keyword. This gives you new angles to optimize content or build targeted landing pages.

Detailed Keyword Data at Your Fingertips

Unlike other keyword generators that only show suggestions on the website, the Keyword Suggestion Tool lets you easily view, select, copy and share the entire keyword list data. This includes:

  • Main keyword entered

  • 10 related long-tail keyword ideas

  • Keyword difficulties based on competition

You can select the keywords you want to target, copy them and paste into other tools like your CMS or spreadsheet for content planning.

Privacy and Security You Can Trust

Mini SEO Tools is committed to user privacy. The Keyword Suggestion Tool does not store, share or sell any data entered. It only displays keyword suggestions on your browser for you to view and copy. We also use advanced security protocols to ensure data and websites remain private.

Try It Out Risk-Free Today!

The Keyword Suggestion Tool is completely free to use without any limitations. You're welcome to generate suggestions for as many main keywords as you like. Why not take it for a test run now and see how it can benefit your content and link building efforts. It's the fastest way to find new keyword ideas without any downloads or plugins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How are the keyword difficulties determined?

A: Keyword difficulties are based on estimated search volumes and level of competition for that keyword from major search engines.

Q: Is there a limit on number of keywords I can research?

A: No, you can generate suggestions for unlimited keywords completely free. However, you’ll need to enter one keyword at a time.

Q: Can I download the keyword data?

A: Currently the keyword data can only be viewed and copied. A download option may be added in future updates.

Q: What if my main keyword has no related keywords?

A: The tool will try its best but may not return suggestions for very niche keywords with low search volumes.

Try Mini SEO Tools' Other Free Tools Today!

Don't forget to check out Mini SEO Tools' full range of handy free online SEO tools like the Keyword Position Checker, Keyword Density Checker, Meta Tag Analyzer and more. We have various tools to help with content, links and technical SEO.